Michigan Pack – Military Order of the Devil Dogs

Welcome to the Michigan Pack of the

Military Order of the Devil Dogs

Devil Dog Creed

As Marines, as members of both the League and the Order, as veterans of all wars of the twentieth and twenty-first century, as wells service in peacetime; we subscribe to the Devil Dog’s Creed.

By DD George E. Williams, August 1989

I am an American, I was born in France.  I have held the title of United States Marine, and understand the commitment of hold the title, Devil Dog.  It is a tradition born at Belleau Wood in the year 1918 of a force in readiness and the “First to Fight”.  As a Devil Dog, I ask no quarter and give no quarter.  I will do everything in my power to uphold the objectives of the Military Order of Devil Dogs and to carry out my duties to a swift and satisfactory completion.

We are the fun and Honor Society of the Marine Corps League.

Who may belong to the MODD?

Only Marine members in good standing in the Marine Corps League, with one continuous year may be “asked” (by a current member of the MODD) to apply for membership.

MODD of Michigan Officers

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MODD Kennel Website

MODD Kennel QuarterMaster

MODD Manuals

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